Начинающий преподаватель английского языка (удалённо)
IN NA M IK H AYLO VN A M AM AEV AKG E n g lis h S u p erv is o r
K G D ep uty
K G V ic e P rin cip le
E xp erie n ceLan g uag es: Sep . 2 0 23 - t ill n ow Ju n . 2 0 03 - F e b . 2 0 06 K G V ic e P rin cip leA cco un ta n t - T ra n sla to rPriv ile g e L a n g uag e S ch oolm am ae va _2 0 06@ ya h oo.c o m +2 0 10 610 5579 8C air o , M oka tta m
C on ta ctE duca tio nS kil lsD ip lo m a o f H ig her E d ucatio nT ES O L D ip lo m aSta te P e d ag og ic al I n stit u te L o n d on T e ac h ers T ra in in g C olle g eRussia , T a g an ro gEg yp t, C air o19 98 - 2 0 0320 19E n g lis h , R ussia n , A ra b icO rg an iz e dC om mun ic atio nC re ativ eT e am workH ard w ork in gT K T c e rt if ic ate , m od ule 1C am brid ge U niv e rs it y2 0 17E a rly C hild hood D ip lo m a o n
Lit e ra c y D eve lo p m en t & P o sit iv e
D is c ip lin e
SEC TA A cad em y20 24C la ssro om M an ag em en t C ert if ic ateA U C , 2 0 23R esp on sib leM ult it a sk in gK G D ep uty & E n g lis h S u p erv is o rPriv ile g e L a n g uag e S ch ool Sep . 2 0 21- S ep . 2 0 23 K G S en io r E n g lis h T e ac h erPriv ile g e L a n g uag e S ch ool Sep . 2 0 14 - S ep . 2 0 21 K G E n g lis h T e ac h erIM S L a n g uag e S ch ool Sep . 2 0 13 - S ep . 2 0 14 K G E n g lis h T e ac h erAg ya l L a n g uag e S ch ool Sep . 2 0 12 - S ep . 2 0 13 J S C Y U G TR AN ZIT S ER VIS E, S h ip
r e p air in g P la n t, R ussia
A cco un ta n tALB aal G en era l T ra d in g , U AE,
D ub ai
M ar. 2 0 07- F e b . 2 0 08 All administration duties. Coordinating with parents, holding KG admission,
preparing schedules, weekly plans, syllables, booklets; writing programs & scripts
for events; making class visits, holding staff meetings.
All administration duties. Coordinating with parents, holding KG admission,
preparing schedules, weekly plans, syllables, booklets; writing programs & scripts
for events; making class visits, holding staff meetings.
Teaching kg class basics: English, Math & Science, applying different methodologies and
technics; Observe the behavior of students and working for improvement; Coordinating with
parents for giving feedback and report about their child. Preparing the report cards.
Teaching kg class basics English, Math & Science, applying different methodologies and
technics; Observe the behavior of students and working for improvement; Coordinating with
parents for giving feedback and report about their child. Preparing the report cards.
Teaching kg class basics English, Math & Science, applying different methodologies and
technics; Observe the behavior of students and working for improvement; Coordinating with
parents for giving feedback and report about their child. Preparing the report cards.
Working with suppliers, banking activities, cash activities, invoicing,Working with suppliers, banking activities, cash activities; debit control; invoicing,
payment invoices through program Bank-Client, the contracts of liability, letters
of attorney, proficient using MS/Office tools (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
1C, Client-Bank, Power Point slides), excellent computer skills.
Majo r: p hilo lo g y
22 мая, 2023
29 июля, 2016
50 лет (25 ноября 1974)
29 июля, 2016
43 года (22 марта 1981)