Специалист по работе с клиентами со знанием английского языка (удаленно)
Economis t, Director
Zifa is a highly motivated director,
economics consultant and programme
/project manager with twenty years of
experience delivering quality results thanks
to her exceptional analytical skills. She is a
versatile leader with proven abilities across
all levels of organizational management.
Talented in developing partnerships,
overseeing employees and developing
strategic and tactical plans to meet
business goals. She excels at managing
multi -disciplinary teams of highly qualified
consultants generating high levels of
employee morale and engagement and
leads to financial success through strong
negotiation skills and commitment to the
highest standards of work.
• economics: macro -economics and
micro -economics, econometrics,
economic forecasting (employment,
housing, and population); local , regional,
national economic deve lopment,
• impact assessments and appraisals ,
business cases, and evaluations ,
economic strategies, masterplans ,
feasibility studies, employment land
reviews, SHLAs,
• non -monetary impact valuation , health
and environmental economics,
• Stata, R, SPSS, Minitab, Power BI,
Tableau, Alteryx , Eviews , PowerApps
• HM Treasury Green Book, Magenta
Book, MHCLG Appraisal Guidance, and
other impact and evaluation guidance
• business development, client
relationships, preparation of tender bids
• quality assurance, methodological
• financial analysis, financial planning
• urban regeneration and planning,
• management consulting,
• contract and commercial law , litigation
• IT and technology
• staff training and mentoring
Winston Economics
University College London,
2006 -2007
PGCert in Town and Country Planning (MSc course without a dissertation)
University of the West of England
2002 -2003
MBA (MSc in Business Administration) (British Council’s scholarship)
Turkmen State University
1995 -1999
Economics and Law (BSc (Hons) equivalent)
Winston Economics Ltd
October 2012 -202 2
• Zifa started her own economics consultancy to provide higher
quality research to businesses and organisations and had positioned the
company as niche/boutique consultancy with an emphasis on excellent
quantitative econometric modelling and statistical analysis for economic
policy and impact assessment.
• When she started, some of her former
clients from the time of working with RTP had
come to commission work from her rather than
from RTP.
• Zifa hired and managed teams of
consultants on bigger projects, and trained
researchers on how to interview people during
surveys and how to prepare socio -economic
baseline analyses.
• She led and managed many studies, and produced reports, which
were innovative and a considerable improvement on other consultants'
work, for example Worcester City Centre Regeneration Review, where she
had found erroneous economic analysis in the Employment Land Revie w
had crept into the Core Strategy policies , and Value of Sport in the West of
England, where she had found that some of the industry sectors from ONS
SIC were missing in a Sport of England’s local impact model prepared by a
well -known consultancy firm.
• Zifa developed new methodologies to
deliver exceptional results for clients: e.g.
quantitatively assessed increase in business
networking due to the new Engine Shed Business
Incubation Centre using graph analysis
(pictured to the right), something which is done
only qualitatively by other consultants.
‘... “What I particularly
liked about the report was
that it showed how the
public sector enabled
various projects in the city
and attracted private
sector investment”.
Duncan Sharkey, Managing Director, Worcester City Council
• She had developed a Local Impact Model, covering the whole of the UK, with complex economic impact
models, consisting of several topic modules updated half -yearly with most recent economic statistics data from the
ONS to provide great value -for -money to her clien ts and to save on costs of quantitative analysis and forecasting. The
Local Impact Model has a module to assess the value of newly planted trees. The whole Model or its constituent
modules can be offered to a prospective employer to automate masterplan imp act assessment.
• Zifa also had developed quantitative methodology for Socio -Economic Chapters of EIAs and is offering this to
other economics consultants on a certification basis. The methodology of an S -E Chapters is improved providing more
insightful and also better anal ysis of significance of impacts of any development.
• Zifa also expanded the service offer of Winston Economics adding Viability Assessments and also other
research and White Papers in 2021. She had started receiving enquiries for Viability Assessments s oon enough and
already is working on the first project.
• Among other projects she worked on railway market analysis for Poti Port in Georgia, on future construction
materials market analysis for Severn Tidal Schemes (for Bristol Port), and analysed marke ts for commercial
developments like North Star Village leisure centre with a ski slope (within economic impact appraisal for a Socio -
Economic Chapter of an EIA).
• Zifa prepared and delivered a number of workshop s for key stakeholders in various projects.
• Zifa developed Corporate Social Value© impact assessment for CSR projects and activities to improve
annual CSR reporting and also to provide better additional data for ESG metrics and measurement for bigger
companies with annual CSR reports. Corporate Social Value© includes valuation of CSR impact on shareholder value,
i.e. future earnings per share.
• She also innovated to create an income -based pricing software (at present in Excel for B2B businesses
complete with all formulae (international patent p ending (via WIPO) for the system of income -based pricing and
both B2C and B2B versions of software) ).
Among other projects:
Economic impact assessment of a mixed use development in a historic town centre in the South West ( 182
dwellings, 11,000 sq.m. of commercial, leisure, &other uses) ; also produced a Power BI dashboard for a
client’s website
Economic impact and business case for an Offender Electronic Monitoring Pr ogramme of the MoJ (won a
tender for a 6 -months contract )
Review of Deloitte’s econometric research report ‘Relative efficiency of Northern Ireland gas distribution
networks 2016’, with several methodological errors found, which might have me ant a lower level of tariff
Viability Assessment for a development project (this involves various scenarios with forecast sales and
Need s assessment and a business case for an African Community Centre in London
Economic impact assessment of Sib son Garden Village (included Benefit -to-Cost ratios as part of a brief VfM
analysis; Monte Carlo simulation of impact results)
Economic impact assessment of S&A Group in Herefordshire,
Cost -Benefit Analysis of a residential development in West Berkshire: VfM analysis of the scheme because it
included flood protection measures for the local area
Numerous socio -economic impact assessments of residential and commercial developments in Oxfordshire,
Hertfordshire, Bath, North East Somerset, Somerset, Kent, East Lindsey, West Lindsey, and Boston.
SME Benchmarking Tool for the University of the West of England ( on a 3 months Research Fellow contract in
2014; used Stata to process and assemble a big dataset of company statistics from Fame and ONS for the
benchmarki ng tool )
Socio -Economic Chapter of an EIA of an Academy School in London,
Socio -Economic Chapter of an EIA of North Star development in Swindon
Socio -Economic Chapter of an EIA of an affordable housing development
Impact assessment of Engine Shed Business Incubation Centre , Bristol, and Appraisal of the proposed Phase II
Economic Value of Sports Sector in West of England,
Review of economic impacts of the Cardiff -Weston Barrage for Bristol Port, including VfM analysis
Falmo uth and Penryn Marine Supply Chain Study,
Review of economic impact assessment of Fal Reference Area rMCZ with a quantitative economic impact
model .
ERS Ltd.
Associate Director
November 2011 - October 2012
• Zifa was invited to head Bristol office of ERS following some turmoil in the company whereby it had been
downsized because a group of employees had taken the managing director to the Employment Tribunal a year
earlier . There were two consultants under her management in this office.
• Ma naged and delivered consulting projects for public and private sector clients (Rural Action Derbyshire,
Archives, Libraries, and Museums (AMLA) , Parsons Brinckerhoff, Sirius Minerals, etc), including business development.
• Projects ranged from evaluatio ns, economic impact assessments and socio -economic chapters of EIAs to
funding applications/business case development.
• Commissioned the company web -site updаtеfrom a web -designer, managed the project from start to finish,
wrote web -pages, created new web -pages in the website code
Among various projects:
Evaluation of structural Convergence and Competitiveness F unds for Wales
Evaluation of Wiltshire Advice Partnership
Evaluation of Ways to Work Bolsover Project
Impact assessment of Archive s, Libraries and Museums
Newcastle -Gateshead Cultural Venues economic impact assessment
York Potash Mine economic impact appraisal , including VfM assessment
City of Derry Airport Economic Impact Assessment
HE Student Market Demand Assessment, South Devon College
Roger Tym and Partners (Peter Brett Associates following a merger)
July 2008 – November 2011
• Managed and delivered consulting projects for public and private sector clients (SWRDA, EEDA, LDA,
Environment Agency, county/d istrict/city/town councils in the South West, West Midlands, and East Midlands, RWE,
Bristol Port, A&P Group, Bristol International Airport, Balfour Beatty, etc), including business development. Projects
range d from economic impact assessments and masterpl ans to funding applications/business case development.
• Zifa had more than 92% of her time dedicated to fee -earning activities, one of the highest in the company
whilst also working on new tenders and business development.
• Led and managed teams of 3 t o 10 consultants with 3 -4 people from Exeter office where she worked (the
office had 7 fee -earning people in total) , the rest from London or Glasgow offices remotely.
• Zifa managed economic impact assessment studies, for example, economic impact reports for airports
(Bristol Airport, Newquay Airport, and Londonderry Airport) and ports (Bristol Port, Port of Falmouth, Killingholme Marine
Energy Park), a new inland waterwa y marina (OBC stage) , and economic impact assessments of tourism sector and
visitor economy.
• She evaluated a public realm improvement scheme for Gloucester Urban Regeneration Company (URC),
which they then used as key evidence to apply for an RTPI award . The client had won the RTPI award and
commended the report.
• She was an economic impact assessment adviser to Bristol Port during public consultation on Severn Tidal
Power Schemes run by DECC. Her critical reviews of the regional economic impact report led to a peer review of the
report prepared by another consultancy, and then commissioning of a completely new report from Welsh
Government. DfT’s WEBTag appraisal standards were used in review of the economic impact report.
• When working on economic im pact assessment for Bristol International Airport she incorporated DfT’s SPASM
model into RTP’s impact model, as well as estimated carbon savings using shadow carbon pricing. DfT’s WEBTag
appraisal standards were used in this project.
• Zifa’s experience in masterplanning is in the analysis of current and design of future economic activities at a
site or in an area, combined with preparation of delivery and implementation strategies looking at the viability of
proposed masterplan options and developments. She led RTP input on economic appraisal and funding and delivery
of the masterplan for the Port of Falmouth (the study was led by Tibbalds masterplanners and included a multi -
disciplinary team ).
• Sector focus included among others renewable energy as Zifa led the development of work related to
renewable energy and low carbon economy in the firm – she was named a Sustainability Champion . Among various
projects she worked on were the Wave Hub, activities of PRIMARE, Severn Tidal Power Schemes consultatio n,
Killingholme Marine Energy Park, and micro -generation.
• Zifa also managed evaluation studies and economic impact inputs in evaluations.
• Zifa managed numerous smaller appraisals for former RDAs and some of the evaluation studies, which
included Val ue for Money analysis, involving both financial modelling and the economic modelling of impacts to
estimate true Benefit -to-Cost ratios.
• She developed workshop materials and organised workshops on many projects: e.g. Port of Falmouth
Masterplan study optioneering workshop , Cornwall Eco -Developments Study, St Austell and Clay Area Eco -
communities Economic Masterplan options workshop (this study was led by RTP and included a multi -disciplinary
team with transport and ot her experts) and others.
• Other projects included forecasts of jobs and employment space, e.g., for Greater London Authority and for
Essex County Council, where she produced forecasts of employment.
Some of the projects included:
Identification of new sites for Eco -Developments for Cornwall Core Strategy
St Austell and Clay Area Eco -developments Economic Strategy
Essex Jobs Targets Study – forecasting of employment in Essex
London Office Policy Review for GLA
Forecasts of employment and employment spac e in London for GLA
Bridgwater Strategic Framework
Business Case appraisals for EEDA and SEEDA
SOC for the Environment Agency
Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Socio -Economic Impact Assessment for EIA/ES
Evaluation of the Gloucester Public Realm Scheme
Able Killingholme Marine Energy Park Socio -Economic Chapter of an EIA
Bristol International Airport Economic Impact Report
Port of Falmouth Masterplan Economic Impact Appraisal
Socio -Economic Assessment of the Bramford to Twinstead Overhead Line , National Grid
Socio -Economic Assessment of Hinkley Point C grid connection
Socio -Economic Assessment of King’s Lynn Overhead Line
Evaluation of LDA tourism programmes
Keystone International Property Ltd
Business Development Manager
December 2007 – June 2008
• Business Development in FSU (Russia and CIS) property markets;
• Marketing campaign for this start -up international real estate company;
• Partner database design in MS Access;
• Securing and negotiating partnerships with Russian and CIS re al estate companies; writing newsletters and UK
property market analysis briefs.
• Analysis of planning issues of land plots for sale: advised on the planning status of several land plots around
Greater London area for investment and helped to assess their investment potential as a result.
Landell Mills Ltd.
Institutional Development and Training Consultant (contract)
March – November 2007
• Zifa conducted trainin g needs analysis (TNA) for the urban planning departments of the Municipalities of
Tirana and Durres, Local Governments and for the Institute of Urban Studies. Her work consisted of surveys, strategic
interviews, and analyses of responses in a qualitative and quantitative manner.
• Recommendations in the report allowed Zifa to deliver phase two of the project to develop the training
University of the West of England
Research Associate
March - June 2007
Project: Building Operational Sustainable Services for Global Monitoring Environmental Service (BOSS4GMES).
• Three months contract to establish the project’s overall management for UWE, including mobilisation of other
consortium partners (around 30 comp anies and public agencies), and
• To carry out research on stakeholders, business models, and cost structure and revenue generation to create
a methodological framework for the partners to work with in order to establish a business model for European wide
environmental monitoring services.
Landell Mills Ltd
Project Manager
September 2003 - January 200 7
• Co -led the company’s Europe & CIS division when the director was away for many months working in
• Won EUR 3.7m of new business in less than 2 years, securing potential future business for the company of up to
5mln EUR over the next 1 -1.5 years by lobbying for upcoming contracts, fact -finding, and pre -arranging potential
• Managed the bid process, partner coo rdination during bid preparations, and produced winning tender
proposals in a variety of sectors with the win rate of approximately 2 out of 3.
• Managed up to 5 projects at one time and up to 23 people in one project; and formed consultant teams,
planned project budgets, controlled project costs and their changes, was responsible for Profit and Loss of every
project under management , calculated Earned Value (performed EVA) along the progress of a project’s work,
controlled project progress, monitored all milestones, wrote project reports,
• Successfully conducted contract negotiations on behalf of the company with partners, sub -contractors,
clients, and consultants, managed all contractual arrangements including insurance, wrote myself most of the
partner ship contracts,
• Prepared half of the divisional work plan having been responsible for a portfolio of projects independently
from Division’s director
• Secured “Integrated and Sustainable Development of the Tirana – Durres Region” project EUR 1 mln, to
generate 25% margin in 18 months, and in the role of a Project Director.
• Won and managed EUR 300,000 Albanian cadastral project that secured ongoing EUR 1 mln fees pa
(mentioned above);
• Won, managed, and subsequently negotiated the extension of the lab oratories re -construction and
refurbishment contract (total revenue of EUR 702,000) for Serbian government that returned profit of 50% margin in 22
months as a result of tight cost management and no delays with deliverables.
• Through networking and excel lent local partnership secured new business in Kyrgyzstan, which had then
resulted in a new project win worth EUR 1.2 mln;
• Formed successful partnerships with specialist and major engineering companies, and governmental
Bristol Junior Chamber o f Commerce
August – October 2003
Voluntary work for Bristol Balloon Fiesta Organising Committee: Bristol Balloon Fiesta visitors were surveyed during the
event, following which Zifa ha d processed and analysed t he answers statistically using SPSS and then presented
survey results to the Committee.
Master of Business Administration (MSc degree)
University of the West of England
MBA student
September 2002 – August 2003
Project Management (project value, options analysis)
International Finance (in ternational financial transactions, hedging, international taxation)
Dissertation: “Stock Selection Strategies using Multi -Factor Model of Fama and French”.
Hifab International
EC -funded Project for the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
July 2000 - September 2002
• Consulted the government of Turkmenistan on how to manage international aid coming into the country,
how to co -ordinate similar interventions in various sect ors by such donor organisations like World Bank, European
Commission (EuropeAid), USAID, JICA, etc.
• Contributed to the preparation of planning programmes for the country for EuropeAid, worth up to 10mln
over 2 years
• Contributed to the design of a proje ct worth 1.6 mln EUR
• Represented Turkmenistan during the visit to European Commission in Brussels, which resulted in a more
favourable perception of the country
• Organised the TRACECA regional conference on the ministerial level
• Developed an MIS datab ase of the EU and other agencies’ projects
Central Bank of Turkmenistan
Treasury and Foreign Exchange Specialist, 1st Category Specialist
August 1999 - June 2000
• Monitored the financial performance of portfolios managed by international asset managers with the total
values of 200 mln USD each
• Processed currency purchasing transactions with the values of 10th of millions of USD from foreign banks, and
currency sale transactions to domestic banks
• Prepared daily, weekly, and monthly reports on the developments in international currency, capital, and
equity markets
• Was quickly promoted to 1st Category Specialist skipping other categories
• Whilst in the Balance of Payments Unit, performed the analy sis of Turkmenistan’s external sovereign debt data
(hundreds of millions USD)
• In the National Balance of Payments Unit prepared a questionnaire and then collected data for the Balance
of Payments from companies with foreign direct investment .
Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan (secondment from the Central Bank)
05 September 1999 - 09 January 2000
Consulted the Financial and Economy Department (headed by the respective Deputy Prime -Minister) on:
• Co -ordination of assistance by internati onal financial and donor organisations (World Bank, European
Commission, IMF, UNDP, JICA, ADB, and others)
• Commenting and amending the new Law on Joint -Stock Companies (and persuading the Parliament
Committee to accept our amendments)
• Preparation of a new government purchase contract of the agricultural machinery from top international
companies, e.g., Caterpillar, worth millions of USD, to re -equip the state -owned farms and lease to the private farms
Other qualifications
June 2005 –PRINCE 2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) Registered Practitioner (until June 2010 )
October 2002 – June 2003 ILP French 1 course, UWE, Bristol
April - July 1998 Bashkent Language and Computer Centre, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Certificate #9830007: Computer Operator
Language skills: English, Russian, French (basic), Tatar, Turkmen (intermediate)
Membership of professional bodies:
• Association of MBAs
• Bristol Junior Chamber of Commerce
Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)
Company policies and HR, timesheet management, Windows 10, Microsoft Office (all applications including
advanced use of Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access), Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Sway, Microsoft
Sharepoint, includin g Sharepoint Global admin and setting up, with user access privileges, Minitab , Stata, R, and SPSS
(statistical packages), Tableau, Alteryx, basics of Python coding, Microsoft PowerApps (have built six apps), Microsoft
Power BI, Microsoft Project, Adobe Ac robat DC with Adobe Forms , Google software, including Google Forms,
SurveyMonkey software and several other online survey software providers, AutoCAD, Bloomberg, and Reuters
Dealing Systems, Sage, FreeAgent and Quickbooks (I had worked in all three over th e years) accounting software
with VAT returns, expenses and payroll management, marketing, email marketing (using MailChimp, mail merge, and
HubSpot), producing advertisements (graphics, GIFs, and videos using various Adobe software, including Photoshop,
and also new online services, like Canva ), producing marketing material (brochures and leaflets), web -site design in
Joomla and various web -site builders (Wix.com, etc), web -hosting DNS management.
22 мая, 2023
29 июля, 2016
50 лет (25 ноября 1974)
29 июля, 2016
43 года (22 марта 1981)